Poster Presentations

Poster dimensions: 80cm x 100cm (width x height)
Please click here to download CPC-12 logo for your poster

- CPC-12 sunulmayan posterler CPC-12 özet kitabından çıkarılacak ve bu sayfada ilan edilecektir.
- CPC-12'de sunulacak posterlerde CPC-12 logosu kullanılmalıdır.

- CPC-12 logosunu bilgisayarınıza indirmek için lütfen tıklayınız.

Poster flash talk presentations (60 seconds)

Please note that "Poster flash talk presentations" is not a mandatory requirement

During the conference, you will have the opportunity to show one slide to focus attention on the topic of your poster.

Poster flash talks are meant to be a VERY SHORT (1 minute MAX, ONLY 1 slide) presentation of posters. The author should focus only on the main aim of the research and only mention the key findings. The purpose of the flash talk is to stimulate the audience to view the poster and to discuss the research with the author during the breaks or poster social in the exhibition area, where the poster is displayed for the full conference.

ONLY HIGHLIGHT THE MAJOR FINDINGS OF YOUR WORK. More detailed information can be provided during the poster session. The Poster flash talk should stimulate people to visit your poster.

A few guidelines to keep in mind when preparing your flash talk:
1. Your slide should be .pdf format.
2. Prepare your slide (only ONE slide allowed!) to communicate key findings, not details. If attendees want details, let them ask you during the poster session in the exhibition area. ‘Questions and Answers’ time right after the poster flash talk will not be provided.
3. Make sure you clearly announce the number of the poster board where your poster is displayed.
4. Excessive use of organisation logos / advertisements is not allowed.
5. Review your presentation slide on a different machine from which it was originally prepared to ensure everything works properly.
6. Take your presentation on a USB flash drive to the meeting.

At the meeting:
1. You have 1 minute to present your work. The chairpersons are instructed to require all speakers to adhere to this limit. Do not use more than 1 slide!
2. Do not spend time to acknowledge all co-workers, institutes etc. This information is shown on your poster. Focus on your message to attract people to view your poster during the breaks or poster socials.
3. Arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the beginning of the session wherein your flash talk is scheduled. Bring your presentation on a USB flash drive to upload it on the computer before the session starts. Session chairs will be available to assist you. Please take this opportunity also to introduce yourself to the chairperson.
4. The electronic projection equipment in the plenary room will include a laptop equipped with 'Adobe Acrobat' and 'Preview'.
5. Should last-minute circumstances prevent you from making your presentation, please notify CPC-12 Organizing Committee as soon as possible!